JOURNAL OF THE SOCIETY OF COSMETIC CHEMISTS 753 St. Louis Chapter of SCC Is Organized Henry Maso (4th froin left), president of the Society of Cosinetic Chemists, presents the charter for the newly formed St. Louis Chapter of the S.C.C. to Warren Hintz (3rd froin left), Chairman of the St. Louis Chapter. Also pictured are (left to right) Hubert Merrell, treas- urer Jesse Starkman, president elect of the S.C.C. Warren Hintz Henry Maso Ray- mond Auer, Chairman elect and Chris Christensen, secretary.
754 JOURNAL OF THE SOCIETY OF COSMETIC CHEMISTS . .. •'.'• x•' .• . ' •.• '..' :: .X MARTIN M. RIEGER HONORED BY SCC Dr. M. M. Rieger honored. Dr. M. M. Ricger (left) was honored by the Society of Cosmetic Chemists for his five years of dist•guished service as Editor of the Jou•Na• o• Soct•v o• CosM•tc C•ts•s. Mr. Hen• Maso, President of the Society of Cosmetic Chemists is shown presenting the plaque. I.F.F. AWARD 1966 The 1966 I.F.F. Award of $1,000 was presented to Dr. Christopher M. Papa (left) by Henry Maso, President of the Society of Cosmetic Chemists. Dr. Papa's papcr, "The Action of Antiperspirants," was judged to be the best paper publishcd in the JOURNAL OF THE SOCIETY OF COSMETIC CHEMISTS during 1966.
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