JOURNAL OF THE SOCIETY OF COSMETIC CHEMISTS .513 Table III Amino-Acid 64s Merino Wool Nitrogen Content as a Percentage of Total Nitrogen in Wool) Alaninc 4.12 Valine 4.16 Leucine 5.85 iso-Leucine 2.44 Phenylalanine 2.12 With these additions to the list of available swelling agents for keratin, it should be possible to ensure access of almost any type of reagent to the fine structure under conditions that ensure optimum reactivity. Similarly, means are now available for introducing fatty and waxy substances into parts of the structure of animal fibers that have not hitherto been accessible, and thus ensuring their retention under the different conditions which prevail in, for example, subsequent washing. New methods of softening, tinting, and perfuming both intact and damaged fibers must now be expected to emerge from the systematic use of mixed solvents as media for the introduction of both inert and reactive compounds. REiCERENCES (1) Simmonds, D. H., Variations in the amino acid composition of •nerino wool, Proc. Int Wool Text. Res. Conference, C 65-74 (1955) Corfield, M. C., and Robson, A., The amino acid composition of wool, Blochem. J., 59, 62-68 (1955). (2) Corfield, M. C., Robson, A., and Skinner, B., The a•nino acid compositions of three fractions from oxidised wool, Blochem. J., 68,348-52 (1958). (3) Cassie, A. B. D., Wool Industries Research Association, Leeds University, private com- munication. (4) Holker, J. R., The action of reductone on wool, Ph.D. Thesis, Leeds University (1956). (5) Kindly supplied by Dr. J. Sikorski, Textile Physics Laboratory, Leeds University. (6) Atkinson, J. C., Filson, A., and Speakman, J. B., Action of mixed solvents on wool, Nature, 184,444 (1959). (7) Atkinson, J. C., and Speakman, J. B., The action of mixed solvents on wool, .[. Textile Inst., 55, T433-47 (1964).
514 JOURNAL OF THE SOCIETV OF COSMETIC CHEMISTS Dr. Sophie Plechner and Mrs. Eunice T. Miner Honored by SCC The SOCIETY OF COSMETIC CHEMISTS honored Dr. Sophie Plechner at a recent advisory committee meeting. Henry Maso, President of the SOCIETY OF COSMETIC CHEMISTS, presented Dr. Plechner with an en- graved plaque in appreciation for her many years of service on the ad- visory committee. Mrs. Eunice T. Miner, Executive Director of the New York Academy of Sciences, was presented with an engraved plaque in appreciation for her assistance, guidance, and service to the SOCIETY OF COSMETIC CHEM- ISTS at its semiannual meeting in New York. Following a talk in which Robert Kramer described Mrs. Mineifs extensive work with the Society, Henry Maso, President of the SOCmTY OF COSMETIC CHEMISTS, pre- sented the plaque. Dr. Sophie Plechner (left) of Carter-Wallace, Mrs. Eunice Miner (left) of the New York inc., receives a plaque from Mr. Henry Maso, Academy of Sciences receives a plaque from President of the SOCIETY OF COSMETIC Mr. Henry Maso, President of the SOCIETY CHEMISTS OF COSMETIC CHEMISTS
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