JOURNAL OF THE SOCIETY OF COSMETIC CHEMISTS ,517 1966 Characteristics of Scientists in the Cosmetic Industry Characteristics Approx- Approx- imate mate Percent- Percent- No. age Characteristics No. age Scientific field Type of employer Chemistry 313 59 Private industry or busi- Biochemistry 21 4 heSS 453 84 Pharmacy 91 17 Self-employed 19 4 Pharmacology 8 1 Owner or partner 18 3 Medicine 8 1 Educational institution 13 2 Biology 29 5 Student 4 1 Chemical engineering 43 8 Government 0 0 Associate degree 5 1 Trade association, peri- No degree 20 4 odical or nonprofit Age (median age 40-49) organization 3 1 20-29 years 45 8 Other or no response 24 5 30-39 years 168 31 Work activity (multiple 40-49 years 158 30 response) 50-59 years 100 19 Management and admin- 60-69 years 37 7 istration of research 70 and over 5 1 and development 176 33 No response 21 4 Management and admin~ Highest degree istration of other than Ph.D. or D.Sc. 114 21 research and develop- M.D. 6 1 ment 97 18 Master's 90 17 Research and develop- Bachelor's 271 51 ment Less than a Bachelor's 29 6 Basic research 96 18 No report 23 4 Applied research 179 34 Total years experience Analytical or organic 1 or less 8 2 research 19 4 1-3 14 3 Biological research 9 2 8-12 53 10 Report or other technical 13-20 152 28 writing, editing 26 5 20 or more 204 39 Sales 59 11 Years cosmetics experience Technical service 91 17 1 or less 9 2 Development or design 42 8 1-3 41 8 Production, operations 53 10 8-12 104 19 Inspection, testing, 13-20 116 22 quality control 53 10 20 or more 101 19 Consulting 37 7 Not in cosmetic industry Other and no response 51 9 directly 73 14 ees reported by the members was 25 to 49. The majority of partici- pants reported employment by finished goods manufacturers. Only 4% of the total respondents reported employment other than in private
318 JOURNAL OF THE SOCIETY OF COSMETIC CHEMISTS Median Salary Range (thousands) Highest degree earned Bachelor's $12.5-15 Master's $15-17.5 Doctorate $17.5-20 Geographic location New England $12.5-15 Middle Atlantic $15-17.5 Lake States $12.5-15 West $12.5-15 All others were insufficiently represented. Number of years experience 0-11 1-aj 4-7 8-12 18-20 20 or more Total no. of employees Less than 50 50-99 100-299 300-499 5O0-999 More than 1000 Number of technical employees supervised None 3-4 5-9 10-24 25-49 50-99 Over 100f Insufficient responses $10-12 5 $12.5-15 $15-17 5 $17.5-20 Median Salary Range (thousands) Work activity Management or administra- tion of R & D $17.5-20 Management or administra- tion of other than R & D $15-17.5 Basic "product" research $10-12.5 Applied "product" research $12.5-15 Analytical or organic Insufficient research responses Biological research Insufficient responses Report or other technical writing, editing Sales Technical service Development or design Production, operations Inspection, testing, quality control Consulting $10-12.5 $12.5-15 $12.5-15 $10-12 $12.5-15 $15-17 5 $12.5-15 $15-17.5 $10-12.5 Employer's principal line(s) of $12.5-15 business $15.2-15 Cosmetics and toilctrics $12.5-15 Pharmaceuticals $1,5-17.5 Chemicals, surfactants & $10-12.5 raw materials $15-17.5 $10-12.5 Perfumes and/or essential $12.5-15 oils $12.5-15 $15-17.5 Private label manufacturing $15-17.5 $20-30 Testing, consulting Insufficient $20-30 laborator ies responses Insufficient Education and academic Insufficient responses research responses $10-12.5 Insufficicnt responses industry or business. No significant trend exists between the gross annual salary rate and the size of the firms reported. The areas of the greatest work emphasis appear to be in creams and lotions, hair, and makeup products. The median number of different firms respondents were employed by was three. Work Activity The majority of those participating in this survey reported job re- sponsibilities at the senior research level or higher. One-third of the
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