ELECTRON I•IICROGRAPHS Figure 7. Similar preparation to that in Fig. 6 after brushing with a toothbrush. The sodium fluoride treated area is on the left of the micro- graph. Figure 8. Polished enamel surface after exposure to 0.1% aqueous SnF2 solution. Figure •. Polished enamel surface after treat- ment with 0.1 •o SnF2 aolu.tion and immersion in lactate buffer (0.2M,
ELECTRON MICROGRAPHS Figure 10. Preparation shown in Fig..9 after brushing. Figure 11. A reflectance electron micrograph of an enamel surface. The area to the right was exposed to a 0. ! •o SnF2 solution, that to the left was masked. The complete tooth was then exposed to lactate buffer.
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