Journal of Cosmetic Science The Official Journal of the Society of Cosmetic Chemists Volume 72 No. 6 | November/December 2021 ORIGINAL ARTICLES Clinical Study on Anti-Acne Performance of Cosmetic Skincare Products Liping Du, Ping Ma, Ying Zhou, Xinfen Cai, Lingyan Shen, Gang Huo | pp. 568 Ethanolic Extracts of Ageratum houstonium, Bupleurum falcatum, and Schisandra chinensis Inhibit Interleukin-4-Induced Expression of Itching Factors in HaCaT Keratinocytes Hyoung Seok Shin, Sung Shin Ahn, Hyunjin Yeo, You Jeong Jeong, Soon Young Shin | pp. 580 Fatigue Strength of Panelist Hair and Correlation With Hair Damage Measures Jennifer M. Marsh, Tim J. Felts, Shane Whitaker, Chris Cowans, Amanda Ritter, Tian Chen, Husen Kang | pp. 600 Efficacy, Tolerability, and Acceptability of a Skin Repair Product Containing Active Extracts of Centella asiatica Elena Gonzalez-Guerra, Francesca Pajuelo Lorenzo | pp. 611 Liniment of Nafthalan Oil: Multifunctional Component for Cosmetic Compositions Yulia A. Shigabieva, Svetlana A. Bogdanova, Andrey A. Knyazev | pp. 623
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