2005 ANNUAL SCIENTIFIC SEMINAR Conclusions Through this work, we were able to uncover a number of correlations heretofore unreported in the literature, most involving data derived from the Creep analysis. Further work may reveal even more correlations. Ultimately, the information derived should lead to a predictive model for future product development References I Brummer R, and Godersky S, "Rheological studies to objectify sensations occurring when cosmetic emulsions are applied to the skin'' Colloids and Surfaces A: Physiochemical and Engineering Aspects 152, 89-9..J ( 1999) 2 Lee Y, Baik S, Lee H, Nam Y, Goh Y, Kim S, Han S. and Kang H, "A study on the correlation of the skin feeling with rheological parameters and other physical properties'' Podium Proceedings, 23"1 JFSCC Congress, The Society of Cosmetic Chemists (200..J) 3. Wortcl V, Verboom C, Taelman M, Leonard S, Wiechers J, and Tadros T, "Linking sensory and rheology characteristics: a first step to understand the influence of emulsion structure on sensory characteristics .. Podium Proceedings, 23rd IFSCC Congress, The Society of Cosmetic Chemists (200-l) 4 Mcilgaard M, Civille G, Carr B. S!nsory Evaluation Techniques. CRC Press London ( 1991) Table I Sensory Correlated With Characteristic Fimmess Zero-shear Viscosity (from Creep test) Spreadability Relaxation Time (Creep) + Crossover Stress (Stress Sweep) Cohesiveness Gel Strength (G'=G", Stress Sweep) Cohesiveness Equilibrium Compliance (Creep) + Viscosity@ 2 inverse sec (Flow) Integrity of Shape Relaxation Time (Creep) + Minimum Strain (Creep) Table 2 Sample Crossover Point Cohesiveness-Pickup G'=G" (Pa) A 53 25.9 B 28 26.7 C 136 15 D 55 31.8 E 160 8.1 F 90 9.6 357
358 JOURNAL OF COSMETIC SCIENCE Sha Sweep eon;.-ns,n: a.mple A vs mple F 1000 1000 •------- -• ---- -·-·-·-.--. ---------·------------------------- -•-----·__..._·-•--•........._._ ----•-•-... -•--- -. -· • • ----G-IJ--B- SI 0 1GGG+-------...-----,------,-----,------,------------...----10DO 20 00 osc torque (rncro N m) 2000 00 Figure I. Stress sweeps of A and F. Note the locations where G'/G" crossover occurs_
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