AUTHOR INDEX 497 Romero, E., see Montanari, J., 469 Rosasco, M.A., see Ceresole, R., 317 Ruxton, C.H.S., A novel topical ingredient derived from seaweed signifi cantly reduces symptoms of acne vulgaris: A general literature review, 219 Saito, L., see Rana, J., 445 Schnittger, S., see Muizzuddin, N., 1 Scholten, J.D., see Rana, J., 445 Segall, A., see Ceresole, R., 317 Shin, M.-K., see Kim, H.-J. 89 Skowron, M., see Zakrzewski, R., 391 Sloan, K.B., Fit of fl uxes of sunscreens and other compounds from propylene glycol:water (30:70) through human skin and silicone membrane to the Roberts–Sloan equation: The effect of polar vehicle (or water) solubility, 181 Son, K.H., Inhibitory effects of Korean indigenous plants on tyrosinase and melanogenesis, 145 Son, S.W., see Choi, J.-S., 429 Summers, B., see Mamabolo, T., 287 Synovec, J., see Sloan, K.B., 181 Tackey, R.N., Cytokine expression correlates with differential sensory perception between lye and no-lye relaxers, 111 Tian, H., see Wang, P., 67 Tsai, J.-C., see Wang, P.-C., 273 Tsai, T., see Liu, J.-J., 9 Vera, M., see Montanari, J., 469 Vltavska, P., see Polaskova, J., 329 Vogelgesang, B., see Leoty-Okombi, S., 133 Wang, P., Investigation of parabens in commercial cosmetics for children in Beijing, China, 67 Wang, P.-C., Lauroyl/Palmitoyl glycol chitosan gels enhance skin delivery of magnesium ascorbyl phosphate, 273 Wei, H.-L, see Mu, Y., 99 Wei, S.-M., see Feng, B., 35 Wolosik, K., The importance and perspective of plant-based squalene in cosmetology, 59 Yamamoto, T., see Nawa, T., 261 Yang, Q., see Pelle, E., 175 Yarosh, D.B., see Pelle, E., 175 Yin, M., see Gong, S., 235 Yun, Z., see Gong, S., 235 Zakrzewski, R., Application of Purpald® for determination of 3-cyclohexene-1- carboxaldehyde and hydroxyisohexyl 3-cyclohexene carboxaldehyde, 391 Zalewska, A., see Wolosik, K., 59 Zhang, G., see McMullen, R.L., 355 Zhang, Q., see Pelle, E., 175 Zhang., P., Use of small RNA as antiaging cosmeceuticals, 455 Zhou, Y., see Mu, Y., 99 Zhu, Y.Y., see Zhang, P., 455
J. Cosmet. Sci., 64, 498–510 (November/December 2013) 498 SUBJECT INDEX TO VOLUME 64 Absolute de pomade Jasminum sambac, 483 Absolutes Jasminum sambac, 483 Absorbance Purpald in aldehyde determinations, 391 Absorbent pads environmental infl uences on sweat glands, 243 Absorption spectra cosmeceutical liposomes, 9 Acclimatization environmental infl uences on sweat glands, 243 Acetonitrile punicalagins in melanin inhibition, 445 10-Acetyl-3,7-dihydroxyphenoxazine reactive oxygen species in keratinocytes, 207 Acetyl tetrapeptide-3 alopecia treatment, 45 Acne enzymatically generated hydrogen peroxide, 1 squalene in cosmetology, 59 Acne vulgaris enzymatically generated hydrogen peroxide, 1 seaweed, 219 Acquired unintentional unruly hair alkaline peroxide, 261 Adapalene acne treatment, 1 Addition-recovery tests hinokitiol in skin lotions, 381 Aging cellular senescence, 79 EGCG in oxidative damage, 35 small RNAs in cosmeceuticals, 455 Aldehydes application of Purpald, 391 Alginates seaweed in acne vulgaris treatment, 219 Alkaline peroxide acquired unintentional unruly hair, 261 Allergens Purpald in aldehyde determinations, 391 Alopecia Lycopersicon esculentum extract, 429 small RNAs in antiaging cosmeceuticals, 455 Trifolium pratense and biomimetic peptide, 45 α-farnesene Jasminum sambac volatile compounds, 483 Amaranth tyrosinase inhibition, 99 Amaranth oil squalene in cosmetology, 59 Amino acids effects of hair relaxer treatment, 287 Anagen phase Lycopersicon esculentum in hair growth, 429 Anagen/telogen ratio alopecia treatment, 45 Androgen receptor Lycopersicon esculentum in hair growth, 429 Androgenetic alopecia Lycopersicon esculentum extract, 429 small RNAs in antiaging cosmeceuticals, 455 Androgens enzymatically generated hydrogen peroxide, 1 Anthocyanins nanoberries in topical antioxidants, 469 Anti-infl ammatory agents seaweed in skin hydration, 193 Anti-infl ammatory compounds cosmetic formulations, 341 Antiaging cosmeceuticals small RNAs, 455 Antibacterial agents hinokitiol in skin lotions, 381 Antibiotics acne treatment, 1
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