SUBJECT INDEX 505 Liver cells iron accumulation after menopause, 175 Lockhead effect shampoo composition, 411 Lonicera japonica tyrosinase inhibition, 145 Low strain region glycylglycine for hair softness, 19 Lycopene Lycopersicon esculentum in hair growth, 429 Lycopersicon esculentum hair growth and alopecia, 429 Lye hair relaxers cytokine expression, 111 effects of treatment, 287 Macrofi brils alkaline peroxide, 261 Magnesium ascorbyl phosphate skin delivery of, 273 Male pattern hair loss Trifolium pratense and biomimetic peptide, 45 Malondialdehyde EGCG in oxidative damage, 35 MART-1 N-feruloyldopamine in melanogenesis, 133 Mechanical combing delipidized hair, 355 Melan-a cells punicalagins in melanin inhibition, 445 Melanin amaranth in tyrosinase inhibition, 99 Melanin biosynthesis tyrosinase, 235 Melanocytes punicalagins in melanin inhibition, 445 Melanogenesis inhibition by N-feruloyldopamine, 133 Korean indigenous plants, 145 Melanoma G. elata extract, 89 Melanosomes N-feruloyldopamine in melanogenesis, 133 Menopause iron accumulation in skin, 175 Messenger RNA G. elata extract in melanogenesis, 89 Lycopersicon esculentum in hair growth, 429 Methanol Korean indigenous plants, 145 Methyl anthranilate Jasminum sambac aroma profi les, 483 18-Methyleicosanoic acid delipidized hair, 355 Methylene chloride Korean indigenous plants, 145 Methylparaben parabens in cosmetics, 67 Micelle charge shampoo composition, 411 Michaelis constant isoferulic acid concentration, 235 Microfi lament organization silicones in hair straightening, 119 Microinfl ammation alopecia treatment, 45 Microphthalmia-associated transcription factors small RNAs in antiaging cosmeceuticals, 455 Microporation small RNAs in antiaging cosmeceuticals, 455 MicroRNA-29 small RNAs in antiaging cosmeceuticals, 455 MicroRNA-31 small RNAs in antiaging cosmeceuticals, 455 Minimal erythemal dose topical anti-infl ammatory compounds, 341 Mixed esters parabens in cosmetics, 67 Modulus values glycylglycine for hair softness, 19 Moisturization sorbitol skin treatment, 165 Moisturizers diabetic foot syndrome, 329 squalene in cosmetology, 59 Mole fraction shampoo composition, 411 Molecular docking amaranth in tyrosinase inhibition, 99 Molecular weight shampoo composition, 411 Monesters parabens in cosmetics, 67 Monophenolase amaranth in tyrosinase inhibition, 99 of mushroom tyrosinase, 235 Monoxidil vs. Lycopersicon esculentum in hair growth, 429 Mouse models Lycopersicon esculentum in hair growth, 429 Multiple iron cycles silicones in hair straightening, 119 Mushroom tyrosinase inhibitory effect of isoferulic acid, 235
JOURNAL OF COSMETIC SCIENCE 506 Mushroom tyrosinase inhibition assay N-feruloyldopamine in melanogenesis, 133 G. elata extract in melanogenesis, 89 Nanoberries topical antioxidants, 469 Nanoindentation glycylglycine for hair softness, 19 Nanoparticles topical anti-infl ammatory compounds, 341 Nanostructured lipid carriers squalene in cosmetology, 59 Nanotechnology small RNAs in antiaging cosmeceuticals, 455 Natural ingredients nanoberries in topical antioxidants, 469 punicalagins in melanin inhibition, 445 seaweed in acne vulgaris treatment, 219 Natural moisturizing factors sorbitol skin treatment, 165 Neutral red assay Korean indigenous plants, 145 No-lye hair relaxers cytokine expression, 111 Nociceptive activation sensory discomfort with relaxers, 111 Noncovalently bound lipids delipidized hair, 355 Normal human epidermal melanocytes N-feruloyldopamine in melanogenesis, 133 Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy lauroyl/palmitoyl glycol chitosan, 273 Occlusives seaweed in skin hydration, 193 Octanol sunscreen fl ux values, 181 Odor olive oil–based cosmetic creams, 371 Oil concentration olive oil–based cosmetic creams, 371 Oil-in-water emulsions seaweed in skin hydration, 193 Ointment base moisturizers in diabetes, 329 Oligosaccharides seaweed in acne vulgaris treatment, 219 Olive oil cosmetic creams, 371 Jasminum sambac aroma profi les, 483 squalene in cosmetology, 59 Omega loops delipidized hair, 355 Orthocortex-like structures acquired unintentional unruly hair, 261 Osmoprotectants sorbitol skin treatment, 165 Osmotic stress sorbitol skin treatment, 165 Oxidation of tyrosinase, 235 Oxidative stress dermal fi broblasts, 35 reactive oxygen species in keratinocytes, 207 Oxidizing agents enzymatically generated hydrogen peroxide, 1 p53 protein cellular senescence, 79 Paeonia lactifl ora tyrosinase inhibition, 145 Paeonia trifoliata tyrosinase inhibition, 145 Palmitoyl glycol chitosan delivery vehicle for magnesium ascorbyl phosphate, 273 Panel size sun protection factor testing, 297 Parabens cosmetics for children, 67 Paracortex-like structures acquired unintentional unruly hair, 261 Paraffi num liquidum compatibility with avobenzone, 317 Particle size liposome formulation, 9 topical anti-infl ammatory compounds, 341 Penetration enhancers topical anti-infl ammatory compounds, 341 Peptides cellular senescence, 79 small RNAs in antiaging cosmeceuticals, 455 Perilla frutescens tyrosinase inhibition, 145 Permanent waving glycylglycine for hair softness, 19 Peroxide acquired unintentional unruly hair, 261 pH hinokitiol in skin lotions, 381 seaweed in skin hydration, 193 Phase separation shampoo composition, 411 Phosphoric acid punicalagins in melanin inhibition, 445 Photoaging small RNAs in antiaging cosmeceuticals, 455 Photon correlation spectroscopy topical anti-infl ammatory compounds, 341 Phycocolloids seaweed in skin hydration, 193 Pigmentation N-feruloyldopamine in melanogenesis, 133 G. elata extract in melanogenesis, 89 Korean indigenous plants, 145
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