444 JOURNAL OF THE SOCIETY OF COSMETIC CHEMISTS General Articles Articles of a general character may be considered for publication providing they are of a scientific and technical nature. Normally, these articles may be concerned with newer analytical techniques, developments in derma- tology, toxicology, etc. It is expected that these reports will be written in a scientific style and be referenced. Preliminary Communications Short communications which report new findings of sui•icient importance to warrant prompt publication are considered. These reports are published immediately following review and acceptance. Technical Notes These are relatively short manuscripts containi•g new information ob- tained by laboratory investigation. They do not contain the depth or extent of research involved in an Original Article. In writing, it is recommended that the material be care,fully organized and not necessarily given in chronological order. With regard to style? it is es- sential that colloqui:disms• i,•rgon? a•d unusual abbreviations be avoided and that unfamiliar terms be explained carefully. The meaning of rare terms must be clear to all readers, especially those who are not well-versed in the language of the publication. Verbose and repetitive style must be avoided. Clarity and brevity are essential to m•ke the text intelligible and to save readers' time. The responsibility f•r good gramruer and correct sentence structure rests with the author. The Editorial Committee will assist foreign authors with minor changes in text to bring it into good English usage. Alternately, foreign authors may get aid from a qualified colleague in the United States to approve revisions and to correct meaning and intent wherever neces- sary. Ma,•or revisions and retyping of the manuscript cannot be undertaken by the Editor, but must be done by the author or his designated colleague. The rules and regulations to the author indicated below are made in an effort to insure speedy review and publication. Close adherence to these rules will reduce the amount of correspondence betwee• the Editor and the author. Authors are requested to review these notes to avoid delay and disappointment. 2. Copyright-Manuscripts and the data therein must not have been pub- lished previously. Upon acceptance, the manuscript becomes the property of the Soc•¾ o• Cos•x•c C•sws and may not be reproduced in part or as a whole without written permission of the Editor.
JOURNAL OF THE SOCIETY OF COSMETIC CHEMISTS 445 3. Forwarding Address-Mannscripts submitted for publication should in- elude a covering letter and be addressed to the Editor, Dr. John J. Sciarra, Executive Dean, Brooklyn College of Pharmacy, Long Island University, 600 Lafayette Avenue, Brooklyn, N.Y. 11216. 4. Preparation of Manuscript (a) Formats: Manuscripts must be submitted in triplicate, an original and two copies. The manuscript must be double-spaced, typewritten on good quality white bond paper, approximately 210 mmx 297 mm (81/2x 11"). The title of the manuscript should include the names, ad- dresses (including zip code), and affiliation of the author or authors. The meeting and date at which the paper was presented should be fully identified. (b) Synopsis: Each article should be preceded by a brief abstract of 100 to 200 words. This abstract should include the pertinent new discov- eries and conclusions which are presented in the article. This synopsis shotlid be in a form similar to abstracts appearing in Chemical Ab- stracts. (c) Re[erences: References should be numbered in the order in which they appear in the text and should be listed in numerical order at the end of the article under "References." To assist readers, the complete title of the article should be included. Abbreviations of iournals should be those used by Chemical Abstracts (cf. list of periodicals abstracted by Chemical Abstracts•. References should appear in the following form: (1) The first name, followed by the initials and surname of the auth- or(s). The uames of all authors should be included. (2) Title of paper (all case letters except first letter in first word). (3) The name of the iournal in italics, i.e., underlined once in the type- written manuscripts. Standard abbreviations as in Chemical Ab- stracts must be used. (4) The Volume number in bold face type, i.e., underlined with a wavy line in the manuscript. (5) First and last page of the article separated by a hyphen. (6) Year of publication of the article (in parentheses) the month must be included for journals which do not use continuous pagination. Correctly prepared iournal references are shown below please note all punctuation marks: (1) L. E. Gaul and G. B. Underwood, Relation of dew point and barometric presmre to chapping of normal skin, J. Inves't. Dermatol., 19, 9-19 (July 195•). References to books are handled similarly and shotlid include perti- ncnt page numbers:
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