A NEW PRESERVATIVE FOR COSMETICS 439 Literatur [ll Bellinger, H., J. Soc. Chem. 18, 727 [1967}. [21 Wallhiut•er, K.-H., Seifen-Ole-Fette-Wachse 100, 11 [1974}. {3} Gibelein, K., Angewandte Kosmetik 1973, [4}, 9. [4} Schmidt, E., und Wilkendorf, R., Bet. dtsch. chem. Ges. 5:•, 389 [1919J. [5} Stretton, R.J., und Manson, T.W., J. appl. Bact. 36, 61 [1973}. {6} Burckhardt, W., Schmidt, R., und Schmid, P., XIII. Congressus Internationalis Der- matologiae, Mtinchen, vom 31.7. - 5.8.1967, Vol. I, 224 - 226.
440 JOURNAL OF THE SOCIETY OF COSMETIC CHEMISTS Society of Cosmetic Chemists Award Sponsored by Shaw Mudge and Company The Society of Cosmetic Chemists Award sponsored by Shaw Mudge and Company was presented to Richard Stoughton, M.D., for his work in developing methods to study absorption of topical agents in man and animals. Formal presentation of the Award was made by Dr. Karl Laden, President of the So- ciety of Cosmetic Chemists, at the Awards Luncheon held May 5 at the Hotel Bona- venture in Montreal, Canada. The Award consists of a $2,000 honorarium and an inscribed scroll. Left to right: Dr. Karl Laden, SCC President Dr. Richard Stoughton, Scripps Clinic, Awardee
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