OPTIMUM O/W EMULSIFICATION 465 N 15 lO F I WIO 30 20.• N 5 I 10 n' I cD I z I I i.• I I I I I O--MEAN DROPLET SIZE I /•---J• $OLUBILI ZATION LIMIT 0 0 0 .2 .4 .6 .8 1 ARLACEL 80 SDOS WEIGHT FRACTION OF ANIONIC SURFACTANT Figure 5. Solubilization-emulsion droplet size correlation for anionic-nonionic systems. (Emulsions contain 30 per cent mineral oil, 65 per cent deionized water, and 5 per cent surfactant mixtures. Surfactant mixtures consist of hydrophilic anionic sodium dioctyl sulfosuccinate, and lipophilic Arlacel 80 at ratios indicated by abscissa)
466 JOURNAL OF THE SOCIETY OF COSMETIC CHEMISTS 6 0-- MEAN DROPLET SIZE ,, II I Z.5,---FSOLU BILI ZATION LIMIT ,, li .2 .4 .6 6 0z •,0 0 .8 1 ARLACEL 80 NISSAN CATION m 2 -100 WEIGHT FRACTION OF CATIONIC SURFACTANT Figure 6. SolubiLization-emulsion droplet size correlation for cationic-nonionic systems. (Emulsions contain 30 per cent mineral oil, 65 per cent aleionized water, and 5 per cent surfactant mixtures. Surfactant mixtures consist of hydrophilic cationic lauryl dimethyl benzyl ammonium chloride and lipophiLic Arlacel 80 at ratios indicated by abscissa)
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