About 60 plants obtained from Jeju Island were extracted with 70%(v/v) aqueous
ethanol at room temperature. The yields were calculated by comparison of the amount
of raw material used with that of the extracts obtained. The results of these calculations
are shown in Table I. The highest yield was 32. 70% for Hizikia fusiformis (whole plant)
extract, and the yield was 26.15% for Cimicifuga acerina (root), 22.14% for Daucus carota
L. (leaf), and 21.08% for Cassia nomame (whole plant).
It was reported that free radicals induced by ultraviolet radiation or oxidative stress
accelerate skin aging (16). Free radical scavenging capacity assays were carried out using
the DPPH method. DPPH is one of a limited number of stable, commercially available
organic nitrogen radicals, and has a UV-Vis absorption maximum at 515 nm. Upon
reduction, the color of the solution fades the progress of the reaction is conveniently
monitored by a spectrophotometer. The free radical scavenging capacity of native plant
extracts was measured at each concentration (1 -400 µg/ml), and the results are shown
in Table II. The free radical scavenging capacity was expressed as SC
50 ,the concentration
needed to reduce 50% of DPPH.
Twelve extracts, Erigeron annuus (leaves and twigs, root), Typha orientalis (seed), Torreya
nucifera (leaf), Cassia nomame (whole plant), Myriophyllum spicatum L. (whole plant),
Miscanthus sinensis (flower), Persicaria hydropiper (whole plant), Euphorbia jolkini (whole
plant), Elsholtzia splendens (whole plant), Nymphaea tetragona (rhizome), Cimicifuga acerina
(root), and Pyrrosia hastata (root) had efficient free radical scavenging capacity (SC50
30 µg/ml). Among these, Nymphaea tetragona (rhizome) extract had the highest free
radical scavenging activity (SC50 =4.7 µg/ml). The SC50 values were 6.1 µm/ml for
Euphorbia jolkini (whole plant), 9.4 µg/ml for Euphorbia jolkini (seed), and 9.5 µg/ml for
Persicaria hydropiper (whole plant). These extracts showed extremely high free radical
scavenging activity compared to BHT (di-t-butyl hydroxytoluene) (SC50 =25.4 µg/ml),
which was used as a positive control (Figure 1). Most radical scavengers that exist in a
natural substance are phenolic or poly-phenolic compounds, such as flavonoids or an-
thocyanins. Their antioxidative activity is based on the inhibition of free radical transfer
mechanisms. Therefore, it is suggested that 12 extracts with superior free radical scav-
enging capacity have certain levels of compounds, such as flavonoids or anthocyanins,
and it is also believed that radical scavenging activity results from the presence of those
The 60 plant extracts, obtained from Jeju Island and prepared at concentrations of 10,
50, and 100 µg/ml, were tested for their inhibitory effect on porcine pancreatic elastase.
The resuits are summarized in Table III. Seveu exi..iaci.s, Typhu orie ztalis (seed), P€rsicaria
hydropiper (whole plant), Capsicum annum (whole plant), Nymphaea tetragona (rhizome),
Table I
Plants and Their Ethanolic Extract Yields
Plant Part useda Gathering season (month) Yield(%)
Acanthopanax koreanum LF 8 18.51
Acanthopanax koreanum ST 8 10.04
Acanthopanax koreanum RT 8 15.87
Aruncus aethusifolius RT 2 18.26
Aster spathtdifolius LT 1 10.07
Aster spathzdifolius RT 1 14.49
Brassica campestris ST 4 2.30*
Brassica campestris FL 4 2.50*
Brassica campestris RT 4 3.60*
Camellia japonica LF 3 9.5
Camellia sienensis SD 9.86*
Capsicum annum WP 12 8.61
Cassia nomc1me WP 8 21.08
Chrysanthemum indicum WP 12 16.48
Chrysanthemum zawadskii WP 11 9.91
Cimicifuga acerina RT 2 26.15
Citrus grandis LF 11 13.23
Citrus grandis ST 11 8.00
Citrus unshiu LF 7 12.75
Citrus unshiu ST 7 8.19
Clematis terniflora LT 9 14.45
Clerodendron trichotomum LF 8 17.56
C lerodendron trichotomum ST 8 7.49
C ommelina communis L. WP 9 5.64
Crinum asiaticum SD 11 8.75*
Crinum asiaticum RT 5 6.80*
Crinum asiaticum LT 5 5.60*
Daphniphyllum macrophodum ST 8 9.20
Daphniphyllum macropodum LF 8 11.53
Daucus carota L. LF 12 22.14
Elsholtzia splendens WP 12 6.31
Erigeron annuus RT 6 8.58
Erigeron annuus LT 6 11.23
Euphorbia esula L. WP 11 1().38
Euphorbia helioscopia WP 5 9.27
Euphorbia jolkini WP 11 9.00
Euphorbia jolkini SD 12 7.26
Farfiigium japonicum WP 1 19.61
Filipendula glaberrima RT 2 18.54
Hizikia fusiformis WP 6 32.70
Kummerowiastriata WP 8 12.54
Lycoris aurea RT 11 8.61 *
Maackia fauriei ST 12 6.38
Miscanthus sinensis FL 10 3.55
Miscanthus sinensis RT 10 1.94
Miscanthus sinensis ST 10 5.42
Myriophyllum spicatum L. WP 8 13.53
Narcissus tazetta LT 10.95
Nymphaea tetragona RH 1 5.72
Persicaria hydropiper WP 9 5.94
Potamogeton crispus L. WP 8 11.38
Pyrrosia hastata LT 2 12.16
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