Table I (continued)
Plant Part used" Gathering season (month) Yield(%)
Pyrrosia hastata RT 2 14.03
Sasa quelpaertensis LT 5 7.65*
Scirpus tabernaemontani LT 8 5.72
Solanum nigrum L. WP 9 8.88
S olanum tuberosum L. RH 5 1.10*
Thymus quinquecostatus WP 12 11.52
Torreya nucifera ST 10 6.23
T orreya nucifera LF 10 14.11
Typha orientalis SD 8 4.98
Zingiber mioga ST 8 13.11
a Part used: LF (leaf), ST (stem), LT (leaves and twigs), RT (root), WP (whole plant), SD (seed), FL (flower),
RH (rhizome).
*Yields were calculated from the fresh plant, and the others were calculated from the dried plant.
Filipendula glaberrima (root), Pyrrosia hastata (root), and Camellia japonica (leaf), showed
high inhibition efficacy(50% at 100 µg/ml). Among these, Persicaria hydropiper (whole
plant) extract was found to have the highest elastase inhibition activity (IC
µg/ml). The IC
50 values for the elastase inhibition activity of Typha orientalis (seed),
Nymphaea tetragona (rhizome), and Capsicum annum (whole plant) were 60.1 µg/ml, 70.4
µg/ml, and 71.1 µg/ml, respectively (Figure 2). Furthermore, five of the extracts listed
above, Typha oreintalis (seed), Persicaria hydropiper (whole plant), Nymphaea tetragona
(rhizome), Filipendula glaberrima (root), and Pyrrosia hastata (root), also showed signifi-
cantly high DPPH radical scavenging activity, which suggests that the origins of the
two activities were similar.
Elastase is a highly cationic enzyme, and its active site holds its hydrophilic property. It
has been reported that the binding of elastase to hydrophobic substrates or ligands is so
weak that the degradation of substrates is inhibited (23). Tixier et al. (24) reported that
condensed polyphenols, such as proanthocyanidin, inhibited catalytic activity by bind-
ing to elastin. Therefore, it is likely that the seven extracts with the highest elastase
inhibition activity possess relatively hydrophobic compounds or phenolic compounds,
such as polyphenols and flavonoids.
Out of 60 native plants of Jeju Island, seven plant extracts with superior effects on free
radical scavenging activity and elastase inhibition were selected those plants were Typha
orientalis (seed), Persicaria hydropiper (whole plnat), Capsicum annum (whole plant), Nym-
phaea tetragona (rhizome), Filipendula glaberrima (root), Pyrrosia hastata (root), and Ca-
mellia japonica (leaf). The cytotoxicities of these seven extracts on human fibroblasts
(ATCC, CRL-2076) are shown in Figure 3. They did not show any cytotoxicity (cell
viability 99%) compared to EGCG, which was used as a positive control at a concen-
tration of 100 µg/ml. These findings suggest that effective active ingredients could be
produced with no cytotoxicity. Conversely, extracts such as Filipendula glaberrima (root),
Capsicum annum (whoie piant), and Nymphaea tetragona (rhizome) liaJ Lell prollferntion
activities measured at 108.8%, 111.5%, and 111.6%, respectively.
Table II
Free Radical Scavenging Activity of Plant Extracts
DPPH radical scavenging activity (%)
Plant: Botanical name 400 200 100 50 10 SCso*
(part usedl µg/ml µg/ml �1g/ml µg/ml µg/ml µg/ml (µg/ml)
Acanthopanax koreanum (LF) 83.6 80.8 78.5 17.3 31.2
Acanthopanax koreanum (RT) 72.1 35.6 6.3 137.6
Acanthopanax koreanum (ST) 77.6 67.2 29.7 1.7 77.3
Aruncus aethusifolius (RT) 81.2 84.4 84.6 27.1 26.1
Aster spathulifolius (LT) 53.2 28.3 14.2 372.3
Aster spathulifolius (RT) 42.6 22.9 11.8 400
Brassica campestris (ST) 32.7 30 400
Brassica campestris (FL) 88 45.3 27.4 250
Brassica campestris (RT) 40 8.9 400
Camellia japonica (LF) 64.3 48.7 32.2 10 120
Camellia sinensis (SD) 38.2 21.7 11.1 400
Capsicum annum (WP) 57 32.1 21.3 14.3 9.4 345.3
Cassia nomame (WP) 91.2 89.6 35.6 1.9 20.7
Chrysanthemum indicum (WP) 62.5 35.4 72.7
Chrysanthemum zawadskii (WP) 32 18.6 400
Cimicifuga acerina (RT) 70.6 37.2 19.1 5.4 138.5
Citrus grandis (LF) 85.8 66.8 37.1 19.9 143.3
Citrus grandis (ST) 64.4 35.8 20.4 10.2 299.5
Citrus unshiu (LF) 53.1 39.8 22.3 6.5 175
Citnts unshiu (ST) 76.5 44.3 24.9 11.1 3.4 280
C Zematis terniflora (LT) 71.1 39.2 267.9
Clerodendron trichotomum (LF) 88.1 78.1 15.3 1.3 32
Clerodendron trichotomum (ST) 86.3 70.6 15.6 1.5 35
Commelina communis L. (WP) 82.9 76 47.4 108.3
Crinum asiaticum (SD) 8.5 4.4 400
Crinum asiaticum (LT) 0.5 2.9 400
C rinum asiaticum (RT) 0.8 4.1 8 400
Daphniphyllum macropodum (LF) 90 81.4 48.9 62.1
Daphniphyllum macropodum (ST) 88.9 61.7 33.8 76.1
Daucus carota L. (LF) 68.8 38.2 24.1 9.2 138.7
Elsholtzia splendens (WP) 90 88.2 82.3 19 29.8
Erigeron annuus (LT) 90.3 74.3 32.4 7.8 22.2
Erigeron annuus (RT) 74.2 72.1 16.1 3.1 34.1
Euphorbia esula L. (WP) 77.8 43.7 25.5 7.6 136.3
Euphorbia helioscopia (WP) 79.7 73.4 25.6 31
Euphorbia jolkini (SD) 91.8 91.4 90.3 58.7 14.5 9.4
Euphorbia jolkini (WP) 87.7 69.9 23.1 6.1
Farfugium japonicum (WP) 75.3 50.3 27.6 9.2 99.9
F ilipendula glaberrima (RT) 87.7 88.7 89.2 35.6 20.5
Hizikia fusiformis (WP) 14.9 2.4 400
Kummerowiastriata (WP) 82.4 57.9 7.7 43.6
Lycoris aurea (RT) 19.7 10.5 400
Maackia fauriei (ST) 78.6 49.8 29.8 20.5 201.8
Miscanthus sinensis (FL) 91.1 82.4 17.9 2.5 29.9
Miscanthus sinensis (RT) 89.7 72.2 39.2 132.4
Miscanthus sinensis (ST) 84.8 53.1 46.8
Myriophyllum spicatum L. (WP) 88.2 86.7 39.2 14.4
Narcissus tazetta (LT) 59.8 33.3 16.8 324.3
Nymphaea tetragona (RH) 93 93 91.8 20.1 4.7
Persicaria hydropiper (WP) 86.5 52.7 5.7 9.5
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