AGE-RELATED FACIAL WRINKLING 385 The Caucasian females showed significantly higher wrinkle scores than the Japanese females in the eight evaluated areas of the face in the groups aged 20-29 years marked increases in wrinkles in the lower eyelid, and especially marked increases in wrinkles in the nasolabial groove, cheek, and corner of the mouth, which are considered to be due to subzygomatic sagging, in the groups aged 40--49 years or more and a significantly higher sagging score in the groups aged 40--49 years or more. REFERENCES (1) P. G. Agachi, J. Mignot, and S. Makki, "Microtopography of the Skin and Aging," in Cutaneous Aging, (University of Tokyo Press, Tokyo, 1988), pp. 475-499. (2) G. L. Grove and M. J. Grove, "Objective Methods for Assessing Skin Surface Topography Noninva­ sively," in Cutaneous Investigation in Health and Disease, J. L. Leveque, Ed. (Marcel Dekker, New York and Basel, 1989), pp. 1-32. (3) J. L. Leveque and P. Corcuff, "The Surface of the Skin," in Noninvasive Methodr for the Quantification of Skin Functions, P. J. Frosch and A. M. Kligman, Eds. (Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1993), pp. 223-240. (4) C. E. M. Griffiths, T. S. Wang, T. A. Hamilton, J. J. Voorhees, and C. N. Ellis, A photonumeric scale for the assessment of cutaneous phorodamage, Arch. Dermatol., 128, 347-351 (1992). (5) C. Larnier,J. P. Ortonne, A. Venot, B. Faivre,]. C. Beani, P. Thomas, T. C. Brown, and E. Sendagorta, Evaluation of cutaneous photodamage using a photographic scale, Br.]. Dermatol., 130, 167-173 (1994). (6) K. Tsukahara, Y. Takema, H. Kazama, Y. Yorimoto, T. Fujimura, S. Moriwaki, T. Kitahara, and M. Kawai, A photographic scale for the assessment of human facial wrinkles,]. Cosmet. Sci., 51, 127- 139 (2000). (7) K. Tsukahara, Y. Takema, T. Fujimura, S. Moriwaki, T. Kitahara, and G. Imokawa, Determination of age-related changes in the morphological structure (sagging) of the human cheek using a photonu­ meric scale and 3-dimensional surface parameters, Int.]. Cosmet. Sci., 22, 247-258 (2000). (8) J. Cohen, A coefficient of agreement for nominal scales, Educ. Physiol. Meas., 20, 37-46 (1960). (9) J. D. Fleiss and J. Cohen, Large sample standard errors of kappa and weighted kappa, Psycho!. Bull., 72, 323-327 (1969). (10) Y. Shirakabe, Aging and rejuvenation of Japanese face from the aspect of cosmetic surgery,]. Jpn. Cosmet. Sci. Soc., 25, 100-103 (2001). (11) V, Gartstein and S. A. Shaya, Image analysis of facial skin features, Proc. Int. Soc. Optic. Eng., 626, 284-288 (1986). (12) G. G. Hillebrand, K. Miyamoto, B. Schnell, M. Ichihashi, R. Shinkura, and S. Akiba, Quantitative evaluation of skin condition in an epidemiological survey of females living in northern versus southern Japan,]. Dermatol. Sci., 27, S42-S52 (2001). (13) T. B. Fitzpatrick, The validity and practicality of sun-reactive skin types I through VI, Arch. Dermatol., 124, 869-871 (1988). (14) H. Nagashima, K. Hanada, and I. Hashimoto, Correlation of skin phototype with facial wrinkle formation, Photodermatol. Photoimmunol. Photomed., 15, 2-6 (1999). (15) M. S. Zimbler, M. S. Kokoska, and]. R. Thomas, Anatomy and pathophysiology of facial aging, Facial Plast. Surg. Clin. N. Am., 9, 179-187 (2001). (16) Y. Takema, K. Tsukahara, T. Fujimura, and M. Hattori, Age-related changes of 3-dimensional morphological changes in the human facial skin, Skin Res. Tech., 5, 145-149 (1996). (17) E. Loth, ''L'Anthropologie Speciale des Parties Molles," in Anthropologie des Parties Molles (Masson Cie, Paris, 1931), pp. 14-70.
]. Cosmet. Sci., 55, 387-391 Quly/August 2004) Abstracts Journal of the Society of Cosmetic Chemists Japan Vol. 37, No. 3, 2003* Skin Surface Friction and Sensory Evaluation Mariko Egawa, Tetsuji Hirao, Motoji Takahashi Shiseido Life Science Research Center Sensory properties are very important in efficacy tests of cosmetic products. Several devices for the measurement of tactile sensory properties have been developed in recent years, and we have studied skin surface friction and examined the correlation with skin physiological parameters. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between skin frictional parameters and sensory evaluation after application of cosmetics. A KES-SE Frictional Anal yz er (Kato Tech Co. Ltd., Japan), a commercial device for the measurement of surface instrumental analysis may be useful to predict the tactile impression of cosmetics on human skin. Efficiency Characterization Index for Constituents in External Preparations on Wound Healing Hajime Shimomura, Kazuo Izawa, Hiroshi Tachi, Toshiaki Sugiyama Department of Research and Development, Mikimoto Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Suzuka National College of Technology frictional characteristics, was used in this study. An arm The healing effect of local preparations containing bovine holder was added to this device for measurement on the blood or hydrocortisone was examined on open wound of human forearm. Frictional coefficient (1vfiU) and its mean rat skin. The wounds were produced by application of deviation (MMD) were used as parameters of surface lOmm-diameter-punch. The wound areas were copied to friction. The moisture content in the stratum comeum was transparent film and were measured with an image analyzer measured with a Corneometer CM825. MIU and MMD every day. From the results of our experiment, it was were measured immediately, and at 1.5, 4, 5.5 and 7 h after demonstrated that the rate of wound healing became application of 9 kinds of moisturizing emulsion with smaller with decreasing wound area. And in this study, the different textures, and the sensory evaluation was made by cell division rate h was found to be an indicative parameter 6 experts and 149 consumers at almost the same time as the of wound healing rate. frictional measurement. In the comparison of sensory score with frictional properties, MIU showed a high positive correlation coefficient with hydrate, oily and sticky, while inversely with slippery and dry. It was also shown that oily (aburapposa in Japanese) and hydrate (shittori in Japanese) properties of cosmetics could be examined separately using MIU and MMD. In addition, the changing pattern of MIU with time after application of cosmetics to skin was correlated with fit (najimi in Japanese) assessment. This Usefulness and Technology of Foundation Kunihiko Mohri POLA Chemical Industries, Inc. The advance of foundation makeup technology has made remarkable progress these ten years. The study of formulation, utility or makeup effect have been reported not * These abstracts appear as they were originally published. They have not been edited by the Journal of Cosmetic Science. 387
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