418 JOURNAL OF THE SOCIETY OF COSMETIC CHEMISTS CONCLUSION While there are some differences of opinion as to the exact modus operandi of the topical action of es- trogenic hormone cosmetics, it ap- pears to be well established that their positive effect is one of improv- ing the appearance of the aging skin, and that this effect is produced by a local rather than by a systemic ac- tion. Evaluation of pertinent data does not disclose any health risk at- taching to the regular use of prop- erly formulated cosmetic hormone preparations. Hormone preparations with a po- tency of 7500 to 10,000 I.U. per ounce produce satisfactory cosmetic results. The use of preparations with higher hormone potencies for cosmetic purposes appears to be neither necessary nor justified' at this time. REFEKENCES (1) Curth, W., Private communication (1944). (2) Traub, E. F., Hearing before the Louisiana State Board of Health, April 2, 1946. (3) Goldzieher, M. A., Geriatrics, 1, 226 (1946) 5'. Gerontotogy, 1, 196 (1946). (4) Jaff•, K., Schweiz. Med. kFochenschr., 67, 477 (1937). (5) Eller, J. J., and Eller, W. D., .,'lrch. Dermatol. Syphilot., 59, 449 (1949). (6) Goldzieher, J. W., y. Gerontology, 4, 104 (1949). (7) Fried, J. j., and Goldzieher, M. A., .,tin. y. Ophthahnol., 27, 1003 (1944). (8) Mortimer, H., Wright, R. P., and Collip, J. B., Can. M. ,,/. 5% 37, 445 (1937). (9) Ruskin, ,4rch. OtolaryngoL, 36, 632 (1942). (10) Shapiro, T., 7- Med. Soc. N.y., 46, 128 (1949). (11) Drant, G. H., Penn. Med..7., 52, No. 9 (1949). (12) Ziskin, D. E., y. Dent. Res., 16, 367 (1937) 21,341 (1942). (13) Van Minden, F., y. ,4m. Dent..,tssn., 33, 1294 (1946). (14) Kun, H., I4Gener Klin. I4•ochenschr., 50, 498 (1937). (15) Selye, H., /Irch. Derrnatol. Syphilol., 48, 188 (1943). (16) Reynolds, S. R. M., and Foster, F. I., •. Pharmacol. ExptL Ther., 68, 173 (1949).. . (17) Eidelsberg, J., .,'lrn. •. Med. Sciences, 214, 630 (1947). (18) Davis, J. W., y. South. Med. Surg., 109, 63 (1947). (19) Lacassagne, A., Cornpt. rend. acad. sci., 195,630' (1932). (20) Short, E., Third Internat. Cancer Congress (1939), p. 90. (21) Geist, S. H., and Salmon, U. J., ,4m. 7. Obst. & Gynecol., 41, 36 (1941). (22) i-Iawkinson, L. F., y. ,'/. M. ,,/., 111, 393 (1938). (23) Emge, L. A., Surg. Gynecot. Obxt., p. 472 (1939). {24) Dodds, Lancet, Nov. 27, P 837, 1948. (25) Mazer, C., and Israel, S. L., "Men- strual Disorders and Sterility," 2nd ed. (1946), p. 34. (26) Dunbar, G. B., New Engl. y. Med., Aug. 9, p. 198 (1945). (27) Salter, W. T., Humre, F. D., and Oesterling, M. J., 7. Clin. Endocrinol., 8, 295 (1948). (28) Jailer, J. W., [bid., 8, 564 (1948). (29) Schwartz, L., Hearing before the Louisiana State Board of Health, April 2, 1946.
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