HYDROPHILIC BEESWAX DERIVATIVES 367 '•' apply it must be remembered that cosmetics which have desirable phys- each emulsion problem is different ical properties as well as unusually and should be treated individually. good stability. SUMMARY A new type of beeswax derivative has been developed that is hydro- philic in character. Products rang- ing in degree of water dispersibility have been prepared. These de- rivatives may have two functions in cosmetic formulation they may be used as emulsifiers or, in addition to being used as emulsifiers, they may serve as cosmetic ingredients--i.e., to replace beeswax. These deriva- tives are non-ionic and they possess characteristic advantages over soaps as emulsifiers. Although the non-ionics have been widely used by the cosmetic industry, satisfactory soap-free cold creams have not been prepared. The modified beeswax derivatives per- mit the preparation of soap-free cold creams which have good sta- bility. In combination with other non-ionics, or in soap-type prepara- tions, the beeswax products produce INGREDIENTS Beeswax, white--Will and Baumer Candle Co. Borax--General Chemical Co. Hydrogenated Vegetable Oil, "Covo"--Lever Brothers Co. Lanolin, anhydrous --N. I. Maimstrom and Co. Min- eral Oil, "Marcol GX"--Standard Oil Go. Quince Seed, Persian No. 1--Orbis Products Corp. Stearic Acid, triple pressedmHardesty Chemical Co., Inc. Sorbo, Span 60, Tween 40, G-1702, G-1704, G-1706, G-1725, G-1726, G-1727, and G-1734•Atlas Powder Co. BIBLIOGRAPHY (1) Grit•n, W. C., and Rose, R. S., "Cos- metic Formulations Employing Non- Ionic Emulsifiers," Proceedings of the Scientific Section of the Toilet Goods Assoc., Inc., No. 4, Dec. 6, 1945. (2) DeNavarre, M. G., "The Chemistry and Manufacture of Cosmetics," D. Van Nos- trand Co., Inc., New York, N.Y. (1941). * Span, Tween, Sorbo, Reg. U.S. Pat. Off., Atlas Powder Co.
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