18-MEA AND HAIR APPEARANCE 157 Figure 12 shows hair swatches for untreated hair and 18-MEA-removed hair in wet and dry states. 18-MEA-removed hair was entangled and aligned in a disorderly manner in the wet and dry states, while untreated hairs formed more ordered bundles and aligned more parallel with respect to each other in the wet state, and lay fl at and aligned parallel to each other in the dry state. This was because the 18-MEA-removed hair fi bers adhered more fi rmly to each other and, once the fi bers were tangled, were not easy to realign. Hair alignment in the dry environment was directly affected by the hair alignment in the wet state, particularly in the case of damaged hair. Figure 13 and Figure 14 demonstrate sche- matic diagrams for the shape of hair swatches going from a wet to a dry state. Untreated hair fi bers (Figure 13) form more ordered bundles and the fi bers even align more parallel to each other in wet environments. The hair bundles separate into fi ner bundles during Figure 12. Shape of hair swatches in wet and dry states. Figure 13. Schematic diagram of untreated hair going from a wet to a dry state.
JOURNAL OF COSMETIC SCIENCE 158 the drying process. Then, the untreated dry hair fi bers lie fl at and align parallel to each other in the dry state. On the other hand, 18-MEA-removed hairs (Figure 14) entangle and are not easy to disentangle and align in a parallel manner. Then, the 18-MEA- removed hair fi bers form coarser, tangled bundles, with disorderly alignment in the wet state. The entangled part of the bundle of the 18-MEA-removed hair dries quickly and is fi xed in place. Finally, light intensity measurements were performed in order to evaluate the effect of the removal of 18-MEA on the luminance along the hair tresses. Hair tresses were mounted on a cylinder, 4 cm in diameter. Digital images of the hair tresses were captured with a Nikon D50 digital camera, with a resolution of 3 megapixels, using a fl ash. Image analysis was carried out by scanning across highlighted and dark areas of the resultant image, using originally developed analysis software that enabled us to obtain the light intensity (luminance) distribution. Figure 15 provides example images of the hair tresses and light Figure 15. Images of hair tresses and light distribution curves for untreated hair and 18-MEA-removed hair. Figure 14. Schematic diagram of 18-MEA-removed hair going from a wet to a dry state.
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