344 JOURNAL OF THE SOCIETY OF COSMETIC CHEMISTS 8937 15K sum Figure 7. Photomicrograph of hybrid powder. A uniform layer of zinc oxide on the surface of nylon powder is observed. not as much as formula 2, due to the amount of hybrid powder. No aerosol clogging was reported for formulae 2, 3, and 4. Consequently, the formula of choice is formu- la 2. 3' I m applied foot control foot ' / i I , 0 4 24 28 31 ) time (hours) Figure 8. Odor assessment result of formula 1 on foot odor. Foot odor of the applied foot is suppressed in comparison with that of the control foot.
NOVEL POWDER DEODORANT 345 _ r- 0 •_ 0 E O- applied foot (•control foot 0 4 24 28 31 time (hours) Figure 9. Odor assessment result of formula 4 on foot odor. Foot odor of the applied foot is only slightly suppressed in comparison with that of the control foot. EFFICACY OF QUENCHERS FORMULATED WITH HYBRID POWDER ON AXILLARY ODOR The results of the double-blind trials are shown in Table II. The total number of sub- jects was 18, since two subjects resigned during the assessment. Hybrid powder con- taining quencher A showed a statistically significant deodorant effect over quencher B, a conventional formula. Hybrid powder-formulated quenchers were proven to be effica- cious not only on foot odor but also on axillary odor. CONCLUSIONS Short-chain fatty acids have been identified not only in the foot and the axilla but also in other sites of the human body such as the vagina (3), hair and scalp (4), and physio- Table II Double-Blind Assessment Results of Quenchers A and B Comparison of efficacy Evaluation A•B 4 AB 8 A=B 1 AB 4 A•B 1 Total 18 Wilcoxon sign-rank test evaluation: Uo = 1.7328 Po = 0.0831 +.
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