382 JOURNAL OF THE SOCIETY OF COSMETIC CHEMISTS SUBMISSION OF MANUSCRIPTS Manuscripts submitted for publication should include a covering letter and be addressed to the EDITOR, DR. C. R. ROBBINS, COLGATE PALMOLIVE RESEARCH CENTER, 909 RIVER ROAD, PISCATAWAY, NJ 08854. Manuscripts received by the Editor will be acknowledged and sent to two members of the Editorial Committee for review. Normally, the Editor will advise the author of acceptance, rejection, or need for revision of the manuscript within l0 weeks. Important: Manuscripts and the data therein must not have been published previously. Upon acceptance, the manuscript becomes property of the SOCIETY OF COSMETIC CHEMISTS and may not be produced in part or as a whole without written permission of the Editor. PREPARATION OF MANUSCRIPTS Stylebooks for the JOUP•N^L OF THE SOCIETY OF COSMETIC CHEMISTS are: the American Chem- ical Society's Handbook for Authors, the University of Chicago Press's A Manual of Style, and Webster's Third New International Dictionary. Authors whose papers include figures should also consult the excellent section on figure preparation in the American Institute of Physics' Style Manual. The responsibility for good grammar and correct sentence structure rests with the author. Organization should be thoughtful and not necessarily chrononogical. Unfamiliar or rare terms should be explained to make their meanings clear to all readers, especially those who are not well-versed in the language of the publication. Avoid all colloquialisms, jargon, and unusual abbreviations and be as clear and brief as possible in the manuscript. The Editorial Committee will assist foreign authors with minor changes in text to bring it into good English usage. Foreign authors may ask a qualified colleague in the United States to assist with the approval of revisions and to correct meaning and intent wherever necessary. Major revision or retyping of manuscripts cannot be undertaken by the Editor these must be done by the author or his designated colleague. The suggestions which follow are intended to reduce the number of revisions and exchanges of correspondence needed prior to the publication of an article. Authors who follow these instructions closely will see their articles reviewed and published in the shortest possible time. 1. General Format: Manuscripts must be submitted in triplicate an original and two copies. One set of illustrations should be included with each copy the originals and two sets of photocopies. Manuscripts must be typed double-spaced on one side only of good quality bond paper, approximately 210 mm X 297 mm (8% X 11"). The title page of the manu- script should include the same name, address (including zip code) and affiliation of each author, as well as the title and date of the meeting where it was presented, if any. 2. Synopsis: Each article should be preceded by a brief but informative abstract of 100 to 200 words. The abstract should state the objective of the research, the experimental approach used, the principal findings, and the major conclusions. Follow the form used by Chemical Abstracts in preparing the synopsis. 3. Units of Measure. The SI (Syst?me International) metric units are preferred, following the trend in the scientific community. Where English or cgs units must be used, they should be converted to S! and placed following in parentheses. Abbreviations such as m/s, ml, rpm, and big are used without periods. It is requested that authors avoid all unusual notations, e.g., milligram per cent (mg %) or ppm are better expressed as mg/100g or mg/kg.
JOURNAL OF THE SOCIETY OF COSMETIC CHEMISTS 383 4. Abbreviations. Any abbreviation that will not be immediately understood by a non-expert reader should be defined in parentheses following its first appearance in the text. In most cases, both clipped words and acronyms are unpunctuated. Chemical names and formulae, especially where they may be handwritten, should be unambiguously clear to the editor. Some prefixes before names of organic compounds must be italicized, e.g., cis-, p-, tert-, etc. Consult the list of commonly-used abbreviations in the ACS Handbook. 5. Trade Names. A trade name must be followed by the sign "©." All common cosmetic ingredients should be referred to by their GENERIC names, as indicated in the latest edition of CTFA Cosmetic Ingredient Dictionary, The United States Pharmacopeia (U.S.P.) and the National Formulary (N.F.). Manufacturer's designation may be included in parentheses. If a material is not listed, then the proprietary or trademarked name can be used, with the chemical composition and name and address of the manufacturer given in parentheses or footnote. 6. Structural Formulae. Structural formulae should be used only if absolutely necessary and if the chemical in question is not known to the reader. They should be numbered and referred to in the text by Arabic numerals. 7. Tables. Tables should be numbered consecutively, using Roman numerals. Appropriate captions should also be included. 8. Figures. Photographs, drawings and graphs are numbered consecutively in the text using Arabic numerals, e.g., (Figure 3). On the back of each, the figure number, title of paper, author's name, and the top of the figure should be indicated in pencil. Captions should be typed double-spaced on a separate sheet of paper. Drawings should be prepared on plain white drawing stock or vellum, using India ink or standard tapes. Their size should not exceed 210 mm x 297 mm (81/4" x 11"). Original copies are strongly preferred, but glossy photographic reproductions are acceptable. All numbers and letters must be approximately the same size on any individual figure, and of sufficient size to be legible after reduction to print size. All lettering except the caption should be considered part of the drawing and drawn in. TYPEWRITTEN LETTERING IS NOT ACCEPTABLE BECAUSE TYPING DOES NOT FORM THE CLEAN, SHARP LETTERING NEEDED FOR GOOD REPRODUCTION. Axis labeling on graphs should be read from the bottom or right-hand side and must be of sufficient size. Authors must pay special attention to the quality of computer-generated graphs. The com- puter-driven printer should be set to give lines of sufficient density for reproduction. In many cases, the axes must be drawn in by hand. If computer-formed labeling on the plot is of poor quality, an illustrator should superimpose acceptable characters on the sheet. Color photographs, where they are essential to the content of the paper, may be acceptable at the Editor's discretion, and usually at extra cost to the author. Consult the Editor first. If the author desires the return of original figures, he or she should so specify when he submits the manuscript. Figures will be held for 6 months following publication of the paper and then returned by mail. 9. References. References should be numbered in the order in which they appear in the text and should be listed in numerical order at the end of the article under "References." Citations in the text should be on line and parenthesized, e.g., (6) or (11-13). The references to journal articles must appear in the following form: (a) The first name, followed by initials and surname of each author. (b) The full title of the paper (first word capitalized).
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