393 SKIN PERMEATION OF HAZARDOUS COMPOUNDS 0 100 200 300 400 500 0 2 4 6 8 0 100 200 300 400 500 0 2 4 6 8 0 10000 20000 30000 40000 50000 60000 0 2 4 6 8 Exposig415on g415me (h) Exposig415on g415me (h) Exposig415on g415me (h) Exposig415on g415me (h) 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 0 2 4 6 8 10 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 0 2 4 6 8 Exposig415on g415me (h) 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 0 2 4 6 8 10 Exposig415on g415me (h) Receptor solug415on analysis STRAT-M membrane analysis 0 10 20 30 40 0 2 4 6 8 10 Exposig415on g415me (h) Figure 5. Dermal absorption studies of selected hazardous organic compounds from cigarette smoke in infinite dose conditions. Toluene ( cm-2) Ethylbenzene(ngcm-) p- (ng c -2 ) Nicog415ne(ngcm-) Nicog415ne ( L-1) Benzene ( L-1) Toluene(μg L-1)
394 JOURNAL OF COSMETIC SCIENCE Table VI Concentration of Target Compounds in the Strat-M Membrane after Different Exposure Times at Infinite Dose Conditions in Control and Cosmetic Studies Exposure time (h) Analyte Concentration (ng cm−2 ± s) Control Cosmetic A Cosmetic B Cosmetic C 1 Benzene 227±9 110±3 93±2 98.3±1.5 Toluene 343±17 160±8 119±6 127±8 Ethylbenzene 140±7 54±3 46±3 48±3 m+p-Xylene 510±30 165±7 158±7 179±9 o-Xylene 140±7 65±4 54±3 52±3 Styrene 237±18 86±5 63±4 73±5 p-Cymene 122±6 68±4 35±2 40±3 Limonene 760±40 550±30 280±20 310±20 Nicotine 3,110±160 2,680±70 1,750±60 2,561±70 2 Benzene 332±18 285±18 225±17 253±12 Toluene 414±15 211±10 142±8 196±8 Ethylbenzene 194±8 86±7 67±5 75±6 m+p-Xylene 620±20 285±15 221±12 239±14 o-Xylene 163±7 87±7 64±5 67±5 Styrene 299±15 147±9 101±4 98±8 p-Cymene 187±8 110±8 64±5 60±5 Limonene 980±50 960±50 510±20 436±18 Nicotine 12,700±600 12,100±500 13,041±500 9,000±400 4 Benzene 460±20 310±18 285±19 320±20 Toluene 510±30 247±15 292±18 350±20 Ethylbenzene 290±20 164±7 157±7 178±7 m+p-Xylene 950±50 590±30 730±40 560±40 o-Xylene 230±12 148±6 102±5 178±8 Styrene 680±50 370±20 390±30 270±20 p-Cymene 353±18 204±12 168±6 153±6 Limonene 1600±100 1420±90 1430±110 1130±90 Nicotine 42,000±2,000 42,000±2,000 41,200±1,800 43,000±2,000 8 Benzene 490±20 480±20 479±18 490±20 Toluene 540±30 520±20 580±30 517±40 Ethylbenzene 340±20 311±18 224±15 337±19 m+p-Xylene 1150±60 1060±50 860±40 1180±50 o-Xylene 266±15 263±12 196±10 270±20 Styrene 890±40 750±40 570±30 844±40 p-Cymene 410±20 302±18 320±16 341±12 Limonene 2,000±150 1,980±140 1,800±150 1,900±160 Nicotine 50,000±2,000 50,000±3,000 52,000±2,000 52,000±2,000 and toluene, with a reduced concentration in the received solution of 53% and 45% for cosmetic B, and 26% and 33% for cosmetic C, respectively. EFFECT OF COSMETICS COMPOSITION ON ANTIPOLLUTION EFFECTIVENESS Surfactants and barrier-forming polymeric materials have demonstrated an important antipollution effect versus organic compounds (13,33). The concentration of surfactants and polymers, mainly polyacrylates, polystearates, and hydrophobic waxy polymers, in the evaluated antipollution cosmetics was 3.8%, 6.6%, and 6.3% (w/w) for product A, B,
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