Journal of Cosmetic Science The Official Journal of the Society of Cosmetic Chemists Volume 73 No. 3 | May/June 2022 ORIGINAL ARTICLES A New Alternative for Acne Treatment: Plaster Containing Benzoyl Peroxide–Loaded Microsponges Nihal Atabay, Ayşe Merih Sariisik, Sinem Yaprak Karavana and Seda Rencber | pp. 114 Physalis angulata Cream for Reducing Inflammatory Effects of Intense Pulsed Light Treatment for Solar Melanosis Glaucia Rodrigues Cardoso, Paula Montanhini Favetta, Julieta Rahal Cardoso Barucci, Irinéia Paulina Baretta, Emerson Luiz Botelho Lourenço, Odair Alberton and Ricardo de Melo Germano | pp. 126 Formulation Development of Sustained-Release Microencapsulated IR3535® with Long-Duration Mosquito Repellency Eduard Casas-Terradellas, Emma Bebbington, Tycho Speaker and Thomas P. Dooley | pp. 140 The Antipigmentation and Antioxidant Activity of Sanchi Flower Extract Juan Wang, Peiyu Wang, Xue Shao, Tong Huo, Jitao Liu, Qianghua Quan and Quan An | pp. 154 Development and Validation of HPLC Method for Determination of Four UV Filters in Sunscreen Products Sumit Tiwari, Vishal Sareen, Yamini Sharma, Deepali Prashar, S.K. Luthra, Prasun Bandyopadhyay and Ranjan Mitra | pp. 166 REVIEW ARTICLE The Safety and Efficacy of Petrolatum Carol A. Bosko, Jean Adamus and John S. Bajor | pp. 178 Erratum Notice from Vol 73 No. 2 G. Gedik and T. Uğurlu | pp. 188
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