2010 TRI/PRINCETON CONFERENCE 235 Phinney of the Proteomics Core, University of California, Davis for mass spectrometry guidance and data collection and Dr. Ai Hayashi for expert technical assistance with mea- suring hair shaft diameters. REFERENCES (1) G. Matoltsy and C. A. Balsamo, A study of the components of the cornifi ed epithelium of human skin, J. Biophys. Biochem. Cytol., 1, 339–361 (1955). (2) A. G. Matoltsy, “The Membrane of Horny Cells,” in Biochemistry of Cutaneous Epidermal Differentiation, M. Seiji and I.A. Bernstein, Eds. (University of Tokyo Press, 1977), pp. 93–109. (3) R. H. Rice, M. Mehrpouyan, Q. Qin, and M. A. Phillips, “Transglutaminases in Keratinocytes,” in The Keratinocyte Handbook, I.M. Leigh, B. Lane, and F.M. Watt, Eds. (Cambridge University Press, 1994), pp. 259–274. (4) R. H. Rice, D. M. Rocke, H.-S. Tsai, Y. J. Lee, K. A. Silva, and J. P. Sundberg, Distinguishing mouse strains by proteomic analysis of pelage hair, J. Invest. Dermatol., 129, 2120–2125 (2009). (5) R. H. Rice, V. J. Wong, and K. E. Pinkerton, Ultrastructural visualization of cross-linked protein fea- tures in epidermal appendages, J. Cell Sci., 107, l985–1992 (1994). (6) R. H. Rice, D. Crumrine, D. Hohl, C. S. Munro, and P. M. Elias, Cross-linked envelopes in nail plate in lamellar ichthyosis. Br. J. Dermatol., 149, 1050–1054 (2003). (7) R. H. Rice, D. Crumrine, Y. Uchida, R. Gruber, and P. M. Elias, Structural changes in epidermal scale and appendages as indicators of defective TGM1 activity, Arch. Dermatol. Res., 297, 127–133 (2005). (8) R. H. Rice, V. J. Wong, V. H. Price, D. Hohl, and K. E. Pinkerton, Cuticle cell defects in lamellar ichthyosis hair and anomalous hair shaft syndromes visualized after detergent extraction, Anatomic Rec., 246, 433–440 (1996). (9) R. H. Rice, V. J. Wong, M. L. Williams, V. H. Price, D. Hohl, J. P. Sundberg, et al., Hair shaft defects visualized after detergent extraction, Exp. Dermatol., 8, 308–310 (1999). (10) R. H. Rice, V. J. Wong, K. E. Pinkerton, and J. P. Sundberg, Cross-linked features of mouse pelage hair resistant to detergent extraction, Anatomic Rec., 254, 231–237 (1999). (11) S. I. Chung and J. E. Folk, Transglutaminase from hair follicle of guinea pig. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 69, 303–307 (1972). (12) H. W. J. Harding and G. E. Rogers, Formation of the ε-(γ-glutamyl) lysine cross-link in hair proteins. In- vestigation of transamidases in hair follicles, Biochemistry, 11, 2858–2863 (1972). (13) L. Lorand, Fibrinoligase: The fi brin-stabilizing factor system of blood plasma, Ann. NY Acad. Sci., 202, 6–30 (1972). (14) T.-T. Sun and H. Green, Differentiation of the epidermal keratinocyte in cell culture: Formation of the cornifi ed envelope, Cell, 9, 511–521 (1976). (15) S. M. Thacher and R. H. Rice, Keratinocyte-specifi c transglutaminase of cultured human epidermal cells: Relation to cross-linked envelope formation and terminal differentiation, Cell, 40, 685–695 (1985). (16) S. Thibaut, N. Cavusoglu, E. de Becker, F. Zerbib, A. Bednarczyk, C. Schaeffer, et al., Transglutaminase-3 enzyme: A putative actor in human hair shaft scaffolding? J. Invest. Dermatol., 129, 449–459 (2009). (17) R. H. Rice, G. E. Means, and W. D. Brown, Stabilization of bovine trypsin by reductive methylation, Biochim. Biophys. Acta, 492, 316–321 (1977). (18) B. C. Searle, Scaffold: A bioinformatic tool for validating MS/MS-based proteomic studies, Proteomics, 10, 1265–1269 (2010). (19) Y. J. Lee, R. H. Rice, and Y. M. Lee, Proteome analysis of human hair shaft: From protein identifi cation to posttranslational modifi cation, Molec. Cell. Proteom., 5, 789–800 (2006). (20) R. H. Rice and H. Green, The cornifi ed envelope of terminally differentiated human epidermal kerati- nocytes consists of cross-linked protein, Cell, 11, 417–422 (1977). (21) Y. Ishihama, Y. Oda, T. Tabata, T. Sato, T. Nagasu, J. Rappsilber, et al., Exponentially modifi ed protein abundance index (emPAl) for estimation of absolute protein amount in proteomics by the number of se- quenced peptides per protein, Molec. Cell. Proteom., 4, 1265–1272 (2005). (22) C. Seibert, B. R. Davidson, B. Fuller, L. H. Patterson, W. J. Griffi ths, and Y. Wang, Multiple approaches to the identifi cation and quantifi cation of cytochromes P450 in human liver tissue by mass spectrometry, J. Proteome Res., 8, 1672–1681 (2009).
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