380 JOURNAL OF COSMETIC SCIENCE lations to 12,286. In case of surfactant packages that did not contain "surfactant 3" the number of formulations was reduced, bur the total number of prepared formulations was still well above 10,000. Small aliquots (0.150-ml) of formulations were transferred to a shallow-well micro-titer plate and their haze values were measured with the Nepheloskan. All formulations prepared at dilution 1 were visually clear, and their haze values were below 2 RNU (relative nepheloskan units) which is the detectability limit for this method. Formula- tions that were prepared at higher dilutions showed haze over a broad range of RNU values, depending on several composition variables. Besides nephelometry measure- ments, each formulation was also visually inspected in order to assure that gel or precipitate was not present. Two haze measurements were taken for each formulation, and the lower value was used. Each formulation was prepared in duplicate, and the haze was calculated as an average of two lower haze values for duplicate formulations. DATA VISUALIZATION In order to study the effect of individual variables, all formulations were organized in a three-dimensional framework, and their haze level was color-coded (Figure 3). The polymer type, as well as the type and level of SLES, are indicated along the X-axis, while the type and level of "surfactant 3" are indicated along the Y-axis. Formulations prepared with SLES-2 mol are shown on the left half of the XY plane (light gray), while formulations prepared with SLES-3 mol are shown on the right half (dark gray). Each half is divided into three sections showing data for formulations with 6 wt %, 8 wt %, Figure 3. Data hierarchy for 3D presentation of haze values. JD 15 1D - D
2006 TRI/PRINCETON CONFERENCE 381 and 10 wt % SLES at dilution 1, and each of those sections was further divided into four slices showing data for different SL polymers. The dilution level is indicated along the Z-axis. In this 3D framework each formulation is shown as a small ball with the color representing the haze level. Formulations with the RNU values below 10 are shown in red, in the haze range from 10-15 in grey, while formulations with haze values above 15 are shown in blue. In order to allow better visualization of a large number of data, formulations from this study are divided into three sets where the SLES level at dilution 1 is 6 wt % (Figure 4), 8 wt % (Figure 5 ), or 10 wt % (Figure 6). Among formulations prepared with low level of SLES-3 mol and higher level of SL polymers (Figure 4, right figure), high haze was observed with all combinations of CAPB and "surfactant 3" and in a broad range of dilutions. The corresponding formulations prepared with SLES-2 mol also showed high haze, but it typically occurred only in the middle of the dilution range. Another series of formulations was prepared with the same low level of SLES, but at the lower level of SL polymers (Figure 4, left figure). In this series the haze was drastically reduced, and this was especially pronounced in formulations prepared with SLES-2 mol. When formulations were prepared at a moderate level of SLES-3 mol and at higher level of SL polymer (Figure 5, right figure) high haze was again observed, but the corre- sponding formulations prepared with SLES-2 mol showed high haze only in a narrow range of dilutions. At the same moderate level of SLES and with lower polymer level (Figure 5, left figure) high haze was observed in only a small number of formulations, and predominantly with SLES-3 mol. This effect was even more obvious when formu- lations were prepared at high level of SLES. Even at the higher polymer level (Figure 6, right figure) the number of formulations with high haze was reduced relative to that for the formulations with lower SLES level, and almost all of the formulations that were prepared with SLES-2 mol showed low haze in the whole range of dilutions. Again, at the lower polymer level (Figure 6, left figure) high haze was observed in only a few formulations that were prepared with SLES-3 mol, while formulations prepared with high level of SLES-2 mol and at a lower polymer level were clear at all dilutions. In all sets of formulations studied, the haze level is essentially independent of the polymer type, indicating that the level of hydrophobic substitution has only a minor effect on haze. Therefore, in formulations from this study the type and level of SLES had a major effect on the haze index. Other surfactants showed only moderate effects on the haze index. Formulations with Figure 4. Haze values of formulations prepared with polymers at 0.2 wt % (left figure) or 0.4 wt % (right figure) and SLES-2 mol or SLES-3 mol at 6 wt % at dilution 1.
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