428 10 J!! .!!? 8 "iii C [ 6 ... 4 CD § 2 z JOURNAL OF COSMETIC SCIENCE Dry Comb Dry Feel Less Volume Im Cationic guar ■ PQ-67, % N - 2.5, Medium HS I 10 J! B . . ! a•-1---------- C a s 0 ... 4 11 § 2 z 0 Wet Wet Feel Dry Dry Feel Less Comb Comb Volume I□ Cationic guar PQ-67, %N 2.5, Medium HS I Next day: PQ-67 Cationic guar Figure 5. Subjective panel evaluation on frizzy hair. A. Shampoo Formulation A: 0.25 wt.% polymer, 1 wt.% silicone. B. Shampoo Formulation A: 0.25 wt.% PQ-67, 0.07 wt.% silicone versus 0.25 wt.% cationic guar, 1.0 wt.% silicone. proved both dry comb and feel (8/10) 18 and, possibly, wet feel of frizzy hair despite the fact that it was used in a system with three times less silicone compared to the cationic guar formulation. On the day of the evaluation, after all the manipulations on hair were completed the panelists were not able to see differences in volume. Nevertheless, one day later hair tresses treated with the cationic guar formula showed significantly more frizz and unwanted volume 19 Figure SB, while the PQ-67 formulation continued to provide much needed volume and frizz control. Performance in Shampoo Formulation B Silicone deposition. The total amount of silicone deposited on European virgrn hair 18 Exact significance level = 89% (binomial distribution). 19 Frizz and volume increase are typical to this hair type and can be caused by atmospheric moisture.
... "ii .c DJ :-::: rn E l! DJ e u E 1000 800 600 400 200 2006 TRI/PRINCETON CONFERENCE UCARE SoftCA T SoftCAT PQ-67 PQ-67 JR-30M SK-MH SK-H %N- 2.1 %N-2.5 429 Cat. Commercial guar 2-in-1 shampoo Figure 6. Silicone deposition from Shampoo Formulation B on European virgin brown hair. treated with Shampoo Formulation B was measured following the procedure described above. Polymers PQ-10 (UCARE™ JR-30M), PQ-67 (SoftCAT™ SK-MH and H), and cationic guar CTaguar C-13S®) were used as benchmarks. A market leading commercial shampoo product that had an SLES/DSLSS/CAPB surfactant base, dimethiconol, and guar hydroxypropyl trimethylammonium chloride listed on the ingredient label was also included in the study as an additional benchmark. The results obtained for the silicone deposition from each formulation are presented in Figure 6. It has been found that the PQ-10 polymer with medium-high cationic charge (UCARE™ JR-30M, %N -1.8) and PQ-67 polymer with medium cationic charge (SoftCAT™ SK-H, 1.45 wt.% N) out- performed cationic guar n the prototype formulation B. They yielded silicone deposition in the range of -430 and 490 micrograms of silicone per gram of hair, respectively, which was close to the amount delivered by the commercial shampoo product that listed an SLES/DSLSS/CAPB surfactant system and cationic guar: -460 micrograms of silicone. Experimental high charge density PQ-67 polymers described in this paper delivered significantly more silicone (-850 and 1,100 micrograms, respectively, depending on the CS) showing again a significant increase in silicone deposition over the benchmarks. Subjective panel evaluation on tresses. In order to further validate the outstanding conditioning performance of the high charge density PQ-67 polymers in the prototype Shampoo Formulation B, a sample shampoo containing one of these polymers (-2.1 wt.% N, medium HS) was compared to the market-leading commercial shampoo used in the silicone deposition study (Figure 7 A). Pairs of European virgin brown hair tresses were prepared as described above and distributed to panelists. The hair was evaluated for wet/dry comb and feel properties. According to the results presented in Figure 7 A, the panelists preferred the prototype Formulation B containing a high charge density PQ-67 polymer over the commercial shampoo for both wet comb (9110)2° and feel (8/10). 21 20 Exact significance level = 98% (binomial distribution). 21 Exact significance level = 89% (binomial distribution).
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